Turning ocean plastics into mattress textiles

global recycling day

On 18 March 2022 the Global Recycling Foundation will hold its fifth annual Global Recycling Day. It’s a moment to celebrate the people and organisations that are using creative ways to change the status of waste around the world.

iDream Beds has partnered with one of these innovative projects, the Seaqual™ Initiative, to use plastic removed from the ocean in the production of textiles for our premium iDream range of beds.

The Seaqual™ Initiative facilitates ocean clean-ups around the world and helps the communities and organisations that participate in the clean-ups to bring value to the waste that they recover.

The 2022 Global Recycling Day will focus on the “recycling fraternity” and will highlight the important recycling collection organisations like Seaqual™ have done over the past two years in very difficult circumstances.

Pulling plastic from the ocean

iDream Beds’ partnership with Seaqual™ is a great example of how collaborative community can help contribute to a better future for our planet. Through iDream’s new Seaqual™ project, plastics collected from the sea are turned into high quality, sustainable polyester fibres and every iDream queen mattress that is produced using Seaqual™ fabric helps pull 50 plastic water bottles from our oceans.

For the iDream collaboration, plastic waste is collected by 1 500 fishermen, who bring the garbage they collect as they fish ashore with them. Every day, 400 boats retrieve a tonne of waste and 100% of this garbage gets recycled.

This means Restonic South Africa produces one of the greenest mattresses in the country, and we manufacture 90% of the components required in the assembly of our products, including the bases, legs, insulation pads and springs.

Greening the production process

In addition to this, 30% of raw material used in Restonic’s mattress production comes from recycled materials. All Restonic manufacturing facilities have been designed with an eco-friendly mindset, and use of grey water systems, natural lighting, borehole water and energy-saving systems.

Restonic also uses recycled materials like polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a 100% recycled material, to create some of the elements in our products.

iDream beds and mattresses are green at heart and you can enjoy luxurious sleep on them knowing that your purchase made a difference to the state of the oceans.

Find out more about our environmental initiatives here.

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